A Ministry of Aaron & Nicole Simmons
Aaron and Nicole Simmons live in Ohio with their four beautiful daughters. After quite the journey through business, firefighting and a near divorce, Aaron and Nicole are now passionately serving God and others as the Senior Leaders of Upper Room Worship Center in Tipp City, Ohio. They also have the opportunity to travel around the world telling others about the love of Jesus. On September 10th of 2006, Aaron had an experience with God that made Himself real to him taking Aaron from atheist to revivalist. Since then, Aaron and Nicole have had a heart to bring Heaven to Earth and transform lives around them. Among overcoming many personal trials and before nearly burning out and quitting ministry, Aaron and Nicole were transformed by the love of Father God in a deeper level through Leif Hetland's ministry on October 6th of 2012. They are now spiritual children of Leif and Jennifer Hetland and part of the Global Mission Awareness family. Aaron has a rich heritage both naturally and spiritually and is a third generation pastor with a dream to continue to leave a supernatural Godly legacy to generations to come.


Morgan King - Personal Assistant