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Healing the Orphan Spirit by Leif Hetland

Healing the Orphan Spirit by Leif Hetland

BRAND NEW 2nd Edition!!!

The Father never intended for us to live as orphans without a Father or without a home. His plan even before creation was to have a family. He created a son, Adam, and gave him the perfect home and desired for him to rule in the authority given to him by his Father God. Then the enemy came to kill, steal, and destroy all the Father had intended. The Father restored us back through His son Jesus. Yet, many of us still live as orphans trying to work for our inheritance and the right to be in the Father’s house. The orphan spirit cannot be cast out; it can only be displaced by love because perfect love cast out all fear.

All that the Father has is ours! All creation is groaning for the sons and daughters to be revealed. It is time for us to come into the fullness of who we were created to be so all creation will come back to the Father’s house.
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